Our Black Year is sort of a memoir of one middle-class black family's experience at buying from only black-owned businesses for a year. Maggie Anderson gives you a window view into the challenges she and her family faced when committing to buying black. It was great to get a picture of what it's really like to fully commit to the cause.
In terms of writing style, it was an easy read. I appreciated the research done on the current and historic state of black business and consumerism in America. At the end of the book, a list of Black Businesses is included. For me though the best part of the book is the share fact that it was written. It's a hey buying black is not just an idea, it's something that can actually be done. The fact that a family was able to walk the walk and not just talk the talk is in and of its self, inspiring. In fact, I do not think it is possible to read this and not at minimum become more mindful of where you spend your money.
You can find Maggie Anderson at Authormaggieanderson.com or check out her list of Black Owned Businesses here at Maggies List. You can also listen to one of her many talks and interviews on YouTube, I will share a TedTalk here.
To read my own tips for Buying Black read my post here.
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