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Giving back while shopping : Halal cosmetics and Black Lives Matter

About me

About the me
Asalaamu Alikum and welcome to Umi In The City.

“Umi in the city” sums up this space in a nutshell.  I am just a mother who lives in a city.  I am loving my life through living my faith, Islam.  On this page, I will share a little bit of my world.  But who am I?  I am a proud Howard University graduate, The REAL HU!  I am a Brooklyn girl living in a Philly world; a result of the compromises we make in marriage.  I am an elementary school teacher turned homeschool mom. Yep, I an M.S.Ed. just to become another homeschool enthusiast.  I am a lover of green beauty, natural hair and all things organic.  I am a book lover and self-proclaimed nerd.  I am a sometimes fitness fanatic. I mean aren’t we all?  Lastly, I am a wannabe organized person.  That is my love for organization and neatness, is constantly in competition with my creative and restless mind.  Oh and if you ever meet me in person, you will find that I am ridiculously short (even in my heels) and I have an uh unique laugh and a serious love of chocolate and cheese.

About the Blog

I pray that Umi in the City comes off as your sister, through a blog (and YouTube, and Instagram and Twitter and Pinterest).  You know how you can bounce ideas and stories back and forth with your sister; that is what I see for Umi In The City. I hope that you feel comfortable enough to engage in conversation about, well all things life-related.  I want this lifestyle blog to be a place of inspiration and motivation, in sha' Allah (God willing).

Just like how your sister always has the best recommendations on everything from books to hair care and beauty products to places to visit to parenting to things you just got to make yourself? And how she always has just the right words of encouragement, to keep you focused on your goals and be your best you?  And how your sister is always so ecstatic to share what’s going on in her life and willing to listen to what’s new with you?  And how she simultaneously makes you laugh, while getting on your nerves because she is who she is and you can’t help or hope to do anything but to love her for it and stick around. That is what I see for Umi In The City, a family. And if you don’t have a sister, it’s cool, and I don’t have a sister either.  But I do have sisters in my life, who are just that for me, and I would love for us to be that for each other.

So if you ever have anything you want to share reach out to me anytime. My email address is  You can also speak to me on YouTube, Instagram, twitter, and feel free to pin with me over on Pinterest.  I am going to have a board named “Umi Check This Out” and if you think there is something that I just need to try, send me an email and I’ll add you as a contributor in sha' Allah.   So do not hesitate to write me, like, subscribe, follow or #UmiInTheCity or @UmiInTheCity.  I hope to hear from you soon.

Love, Peace and Hair Grease,

Umi In The City

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